Blog your brand story

“Does my brand still need a blog when we’re pivoting towards video and social media marketing” ?

Let’s keep this really simple because the catch is this “Google loves a meaty, frequently updated blog, rewarding great content with higher search engine rankings as an overall trend. The unique your brand story, the better for boosting your inbound leads in a major way.”
A thoughtful marketing strategy is made up of several moving parts that all help highlight each other- be it in long-form posts, videos or beefing up your social media content.
Blogging and social media play well together in this way: your blog is where the high-quality, valuable content lives, and your social profiles are where you share your blog posts with the widest possible audience. Blogging can be made even more effective with SEO strategies to further enhance the visibility of your brand. Consumers spend majority of their lives online because they wish to hear your brand story! They want to understand your passion! All the while, gaining knowledge about your products ultimately forming an emotional connection. This is what separates your business from others. It’s time to show your expertise!